72 hours without compromise...

22. Oktober 2008

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...that means, 72 hours given for good reasons. It means, to do something good to other man, to the community and the society, but also to do something good for yourself in getting to know something new, something hitherto unknown.»to picture gallery,
»to description of the project (sorry, only in german),
»to the homepage of the project (sorry, only in german)

A team of five young styrian girls took the chance to get to know more about "Remembrance without borders - youth 50-60 years ago / Slovenia and Austria" and came to our community in styria to live there for few days.

The major aims of the project, which starts today, are to encourage the communication between different generations, to find common and different possessions on both sides of the river Mur, the border between Slovenia and Austria, and to establish contacts between people living there.

The young people should learn how it was to be young in former times, how young people lived, how there were the circumstances of their life. They should get to know about their wishes, about their plans for life, but also what they were able to realize. During the next days, they will visit some of the old people of the region on both sides of the border. And, afterwards, they should write down their impressions as base for the homepage of the project, as base for discussions. So, the girls decided to visit six elder people in styria, but they will have fun, too. They will sing, try to play some instruments...

On saturday, together with young people of Slovenia, they will visit elder people from the parish Gornja Radgona in Slovenia, too.

In the love of God, the people will find together - without limits of age or political borders.

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