First solemn mass of Fr. Mag. Hannes Saurugg on June 27th, 2010

29. Juni 2010

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On Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Fr. Mag. Hannes Saurugg celebrated his first solemn mass in his home parish Gnas/Eastern Styria. The holy mass began at 9 a.m.,  at 5 p.m. in the afternoon the day ended with the eucharist adoration.

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Bright sunshine and the peal of the church bells invited people from far and near to come together to celebrate the eucharisty (greek: "thank") - and many, many came! Together with Fr. Hannes, the holy mass was celebrated by the priests of the community "St. Mary, Queen of Peace", Fr. Ignaz Domej and Fr. Michele Pezzini, the parson of his home parish, Mag. Karl Gölles, the former parson, Msgr. Mag. Franz Neumüller, dean Mag. Helmuth Hausner, chaplain Mag. Johannes Lang, and dean Mag. Friedrich Weingartmann, who was invited to preach the sermon, too.

In his sermon, dean Weingartmann spook not only to Fr. Hannes, far more, he explained to the whole community, how beautiful, how fulfilling it is to be a priest. And he invited the young people to follow their vocation whenever and wherever they feel it.

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