
15. September 2009

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Many young people from Styria, Lower Austria and Vienna accepted the invitation of bishop Franz Lackner and came to „Youth4Church“ at the monastery of Maria Lanzendorf.

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After the opening ceremony, in about 150 young people took part on 12 different workshops - from lectures and discussions about St. Mary and the position of women in the catholic church,  our way with God, hot irons in the church up to Cajon - a percussion technique (which impressed the bishop very much), or climbing in the monastery garden.

In the rosary-workshop the young people created their own rosarys - one of them was given to bishop Lackern to thank him for his invitation and his coming.

During the whole day, there was the possibility for eucharistic adoration at the chapel of the monastery.

In his catechesis, bishop Franz Lackner explained the evangel of the Sunday and the position of St. Peter within the disciples of Jesus Christ. He encouraged the young people to pray a part of the rosary daily in the minds of the church.

After lunch and activities in the garden of the monastery, the young people went by busses to the City Hall of Vienna, where the annual "Name of St. Mary Celebration", the biggest catholoic event in Austria, took place. Bestseller-Author Manfred Lütz spook about atheism, also theme of his book.

During the ceremony, the young people helped in different ways. Their enthusiasm was present during the whole celebration.

As the archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said in his speech, it is now up to them to speak about God in every possible way.


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