Life in our community

Our community is a communion of believers in God. The community lives its charism as part of the Franciscan Family in accordance with "The Rule and Life of the Brothers and Sisters of The Third Order Regular of St. Francis", approved by Pope John Paul II. on December 8th, 1982 at Rome, at St. Peter´s under the ring of the Fisherman, during the fifth year of pontificate.

The community consists of sisters and brothers, ordained and lay. Their form of life is adjusted to the evangel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and they live this evangelical conversion of life in a spirit of prayer and devotion; their main demand is to be in the spirit of God, to be in his holy force. Hidden in the love of God, and in this love in love to all people, they spread the message of the evangel all over the world. They give evidence of peace and reconciliation by their own life.

The eucharist is the heart of living together in the community. By the eucharist, the evangelical counsels of obedience, poverty and chastity are understood and interpreted. The Virgin Mary, ideal of life and mother of church, guides and teaches each single person on the way to life in contemplation. And by her helpful hands, the members of the community dedicate their lifes to God without restrictions.

Within the community, the rhythm of life is determined by the liturgical year. Every week is celebrated as a reminder of the Holy Week: on Thursday,  we commemorate the eucharistic mystery; on Friday, the pain and the painful death of Jesus Christ; on Saturday, during the celebration of the vigil at Saturday night, when we renew our decision to follow Jesus Christ (see Revelation 5; John 21: 1-19), the resurrection of our Lord is celebrated. The main and only question of Jesus to each member of the community is "Do you truly love me?" (John 21:15), and the answer, the very private and individual answer, is the key to the vocation, to the life in the community. Sunday is the day of the resurrection of our Lord.

By celebrating the liturgy and by praying the breviary, the community is closely connected with the whole church. Furthermore, the members try to adore Jesus Christ daily in the most blessed sacrament, and, on Friday, to commemorate and contemplate the pain of the Lord on his way to death. 

Silence is our tribute of respect for Jesus. Silence offers a way to a very personal relation to Jesus - it allows Him to be the focus, the heart of our common life. As usual at the beginning of church and in realization of an explicit desire of the Mother of God, the community is fasting on every Wednesday and Friday, during specially signed liturgical periods and before ecclesiastical holidays.

The community always has to have in mind to give holy prayers and contemplation preference to work. Labour should be done with love as a service to life. Prayers and labour are seen as two wings rising us nearer to God. 

The community subsists partly from work done by its members, all the rest is let to Gods providence. Following St. Francis, the community tries to live the evangel of our poor and powerless Lord, Jesus Christ.