28th youth festival Medjugorje 2017 - day 1

3. August 2017

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On July 31st, 2017, early in the morning, a group of young pilgrims from Styria/Austria has arrived at our "House of Encounter" at Medjugprje.

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To relax from the stress of the journey during the night, the first day at the Gospa was spent in repose - the went to the hl. mass and, in the evening, they have climbed up the cross hill.

The 28th youth festival started on August 1st, 2017, with the opening service. More than 60 nations presented themselves. The motto of the youth festival was "That your love may abound more and more" (Phil 1,9).

After the opening ceremony, the young people adored Jesus in the presented eucharistic sacrament.

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